Gate Fighter Info:
Winter's Gate is always looking for a few good fighters! Heavy or Rapier!
- people willing
to pick up the sword and shield from whatever time period they may have
interest in and fighting with honor. Even in our small group here in
Fairbanks, we've seen many different styles of fighters come, go or
stay. So chances are, no matter what medieval style of fighting you
may have interest in, we'll be able to connect you with an expert in
the practice of that particular style or at least point you in the right direction.
Those looking to join the ranks of our fighters should attend one of
our weekly fighter practices. During this time
demonstrations and lessons can be held for novice fighters yearning
to try the armor on and some loaner armor is available. If you're an
experienced SCA fighter, don't feel left out - we look forward to all
new challenges that may cross our paths.
Fighter Practices are essential, not only to maintain ones fighting
abilities and hone new skills but also as a way to learn the rules and
regulations that make SCA fighting safe and fun. It is required that
all new fighters get registered and carded so that it is known that
you can fight correctly and safely and within the rules or our Kingdom.
Above all, even if you're not interested in fighting and just want to
watch, come meet & greet and have some fun. Please feel free to
stop by any of our upcoming Fighter Practices!
Fighter Practice Schedule: See "Events" Page
In Winter, location TBA).
In Summer, at Growden Park on Wilbur Street or North Pole 5th Avenue Park.